Importance of Choosing the Right yet the best Roofing Company for Your Home Are you in need of a reliable, highly-rated roofing company near you to take care of your home? Look no further! We...
Can a hailstone puncture a roof? Do small hailstones cause damage? Unfortunately, the answer is yes to both. In this article, we’ll take a look at just how much hail damage needs to happen before...
Sporadic roof leaks are very frustrating. You probably figured the leak wasn’t an issue if you saw a leak once and it didn't happen again during the next storm. But roof leaks don’t fix themselves....
Hail storms are common in most climates at least once a year. Most of the time, hailstorms have 1 to 4-inch diameter hailstones. Hail of this size can cause damage to your homes, vehicles, and...
Your roof is designed to withstand strong winds, but if high wind speed is sustained or your home is subject to abnormally strong wind gusts, damage often occurs. Let’s discuss what you should do when...
Has your home been hit by strong winds? If you have a shingle roof, it’s possible that you may notice blown off or lifted shingles after a bad storm or strong winds. If this is...
As your shingles experience wear and tear over time, there’s a good chance that their edges will get lifted at some point. This is especially true if your home is hit by strong winds. In...
Does your roof leak in heavy rain? That’s not a good sign! A properly constructed roof that’s in good condition doesn’t leak, so the minute you spot a leak, make sure to schedule a free...
Repair or Replace Your Roof? This is the biggest question for a homeowner. Well, as a barrier that keeps us protected from the sun, rain, wind, snow, and extreme temperatures, roofs are an integral part...
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RoofClaim is not a licensed public adjuster under section 626.854, Florida Statutes and does not provide services as a public adjuster for insurance claims.
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