florida home with strong winds blowing palm trees

What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?


Storms are common in the United States. At the very least, you don't want your home to feel unsafe when strong winds hit. If you want to know if your roof’s wind-resistant features are enough and if they are still intact, you should consider getting a wind mitigation inspection

A wind mitigation inspection is the process of measuring a structure's ability to withstand wind. It's used to assess structural safety and can also be important for insurance purposes.

Read on to find out what a wind mitigation inspection is, how it works, and how you can get one.

What is Wind Mitigation?

Wind mitigation is the process of increasing your home’s resistance to strong winds. This involves installing additional features to your house to help prevent wind damage. 

There are different wind mitigation techniques that can be applied to your home, all depending on your home's current condition. You can get these techniques done whether your home is still under construction or if it’s already built. 

Consulting an expert to run a wind mitigation inspection is the best way to check the state of your roof. Their wind mitigation reports can also help you get wind mitigation methods customized to your needs.

How a Wind Mitigation Inspection Works

a certified inspector performing a wind mitigation inspection on a shingle roof

Wind mitigation inspections are 4-point inspections that can only be performed legally by a building or home inspector, licensed general contractor, an architect, or an engineer. Choose the professional you know you can trust and who will give you an honest and professional assessment.

The MIT inspection usually requires you to accompany your contractor as he performs a visual investigation of your roof. Your inspector may also take photos for evidence and transparency reports. 

In addition, the examination usually includes checking out different parts of your roof and other factors affecting your roof's durability:

  • House construction techniques - Your inspector will check out the construction techniques used to build your house and the roofing method used (built-up, shingle, etc.).
  • Roof material - Different materials affect your roof’s weather endurance. Your inspector will check your roofing material, along with its weight. Asphalt, metal, and slate roofing are all considered relatively strong materials that can endure stronger weather conditions, such as hurricanes.
  • Roof sheathing - Also called roof decking, this is the framework to which your roof is attached. It is typically made up of wooden boards. MIT inspection checks how your roof material is attached to the decking, as well as the durability of the deck itself.
  • Roof shape - By checking the shape and slope of your roof, inspectors will know how high or low the uplift is in case of strong winds.
  • Construction year - The year your home was built will tell your inspector what building codes were followed during construction.

Some Techniques

Your inspector can recommend several wind mitigation techniques to strengthen your home. Here are some of these mitigation methods you can get acquainted with, so you have an idea when your contractor explains them to you.

Reinforcing the connection between your roof and walls

A great foundation between your roof and walls is an essential factor for your roofing’s structural integrity. The process typically involves installing hurricane clips to the top of your wall.

Protecting your home’s openings

Braces and shutters help cover your home’s openings and protect you during windstorms. Doors, windows, and skylights are the most common openings your contractor can cover with different shutter systems. 

You can also buy shatterproof glass for your windows, or have specialized wind-rated garage doors.

Roof replacement

If your inspector reports that your roof material is not durable enough, they can suggest that you replace it altogether. It might be costly, but a roof replacement is a long-term investment for your home.

Benefits Of The Inspection

One of the first things you might be curious about is how wind mitigation would benefit you as a homeowner. Fortunately, the advantages wind mitigated roofs offer should be enough for you to consider getting your roof inspected.

Provides protection

Who doesn’t want to sleep with peace of mind—even during difficult nights when a disturbing storm hits? Protecting your house from wind damage lessens the risk of damaging windows, doors, or other parts of your home that can injure you or your family.

Saves money

Aside from protection against possible injuries, having your home wind mitigated saves you from the costly home repairs if you have to pay for them yourself. 

In addition, if you have applied for insurance, your insurance company can give you wind mitigation credits for the safety measures you have placed. 

Insurance companies are also more likely to offer lower premium rates for you. In fact, you can save up to 88% off your hurricane and wind premiums with a wind mitigated house!

How Long Is The Inspection Good For?

The validity period of a wind mitigation inspection may vary depending on the insurance company and state regulations. In Florida, for example, Statute 627.711 requires insurance companies to provide discounts to homeowners who have taken measures to protect their property from wind damage. The statute also states that the inspection report is valid for up to five years, and insurers are not allowed to request a reinspection during that period unless the homeowner has made significant changes to the property.

However, it's important to note that insurance companies may have their own policies regarding the validity of wind mitigation inspections, so it's best to check with your specific insurance provider to determine their requirements. Additionally, if there have been changes to the property or if the homeowner has made improvements to further strengthen it against wind damage, it may be beneficial to schedule a new inspection to update the report and potentially qualify for additional discounts.

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Getting Your Roof Inspected

Investing in wind mitigation is especially important if you live in coastal areas such as Florida and Alabama. And even if you don't live in these high-risk areas, you can’t be too careful when it comes to putting safety measures in place. 

Get your roof inspected for free today with RoofClaim to know the ways you can protect your home against windstorms.

Your Free Inspection is just a click away! Get your roof inspected today.
RoofClaim is not a licensed public adjuster under section 626.854, Florida Statutes and does not provide services as a public adjuster for insurance claims.